Core template

The core website minimises the duplication of content across the European Commission services. The site hosts general information shared with many different websites or departments. The core website is the hub for users to navigate to other thematic content and/or specific services such as web information system.


Global banner
The global banner is the official EU stamp; the content on Europa comes genuinely from the EU
Site header
The core site header is present on every page. It communicates the European Commission brand and provides basic structure and guidance
Page header
The page header is composed of several mandatory and optional elements. See core page header for detailed information
The core footer is present on every page. It provides supplementary information such as copyright, legal, privacy, social media, contact information and links to other important sections within the European Commission ecosystem


  • make sure the pages contain all the elements in the anatomy table above


  • do not replace pages within the existing website as this will create visual inconsistencies, this must be done at a site level

When to use

  • when updating pages on the core site (first three levels of

When not to use

  • do not follow these guidelines when you are updating sites that fall under a different category of the Europa family